🚦 First stop: No, you don't need a license, but...
In France, you don't need a driver's license to ride a bike. Bicycles are not considered motor vehicles, so no legal qualifications are required to get on your bike and pedal to your heart's content. However, knowing the Highway Code is a fundamental step towards ensuring the safety of all users. (Spoiler: red lights are not suggestions! 🛑)

### 📚 Knowing the highway code isn't a bad thing!
Even without a license, in town or country, the rules are the same between all road users and they must be scrupulously respected (Even if you're the next Chris Froome! 🚴♂️). Cycle paths\]\(https://www.lokki.rent/media/voie-cyclable ), for example, can be either compulsory or recommended, and their use varies according to road signs, which you need to know.
### 🛑 The prohibitions that cost money: Earphones, phones and co.
If you think the rules of automobile driving have no counterpart among cyclists, think again (This isn't the Wild West! 🤠). Prohibitions are well and truly present, and failure to observe them can be costly. For example, using your cell phone in your hand or wearing headphones while riding can earn you a fixed fine of €135 (How many chocolate bars is that? 😏).
And that's not all: other behaviors, such as failing to obey a red light or driving in the wrong direction, are also liable to penalties. So it's best to stay attentive and follow the rules to the letter. 😇
📜 The compulsory cm2 bike licence? What is it?
We can see where you're coming from. "A license to ride a bike? But we just said it wasn't compulsory?" (Haha, don't worry, we're not there yet! 😉 ). In fact, this "Permis Cycliste Enfant" has existed in France since 2008, but it's not compulsory.
It doesn't give you VIP access to the Tour de France, but it does provide training in the rules of the road for young cyclists. And it's not just for show: the aim is to teach them how to ride a bike and behave like responsible little cyclists. Yes, yes, responsible! (Who said youngsters were just wild animals? 😇)
### 👩🏫 Who exactly is this little marvel aimed at?
This permit is aimed primarily at CM2 pupils, but also at children of the same age attending leisure centers. (Sorry adults, you're totally excluded! 😜). Since its launch, over a million children have been trained. Why not yours? 🧒
### 🤝 The organizers: who's behind this great initiative?
If you're wondering who came up with this brilliant idea, brace yourself. It's a collective effort led by the Prévention MAIF association, Road Safety, ADEME, the Police and even the National Gendarmerie of the Paris Police Prefecture. (A nice little platoon, isn't it? 🚴♀️🚴♂️).
Their aim? To raise awareness among young people and their families of road safety and the benefits of cycling as an eco-responsible means of transport. (We love that at Lokki! 😍)
🚴♂️ Savoir Rouler à Vélo : Le B.A.-BA pour les collégiens !
Starting secondary school! A big moment in a child's life, and often the beginning of autonomy in terms of mobility. That's where the "Savoir Rouler à Vélo" program comes in, aimed at kids aged 6 to 11. We're not talking here about intensive training for the [100 km Via Fluvia](<https://www.lokki.rent/media/via-fluvia>), but about[learning the basics of cycling](<https://www.lokki.rent/media/debuter-velo-draisienne>) so as to be ready for everyday life (which isn't bad, you might say! 🥵)!

Born of a decision by the Comité Interministériel à la Sécurité Routière, this program has therefore been designed to promote safe cycling. Children learn :
- to become autonomous on their bikes,
- engage in daily physical activity,
- and get around in an ecological and economical way.
All in just 10 hours! (We're still learning fast at this age! 😅)
🎓 MCF (Moniteur Cycliste Français): Enthusiasts to help you!
Specialists in cycling activities and recognized by the French Ministry of Sports, Moniteurs Cyclistes Français (MCF) are great guides to help you get into the saddle. Ready to follow the peloton with expert [MCF testing](<https://moniteurcycliste.com/jeunes/tests-mcf/>)? 🚴♀️

### 🐾 Loupiot: Bicycle license for little ones
For toddlers aged 4 to 8, the Loupiot test is the first step towards freedom on two wheels. Learning takes place in a safe environment, and the progress book is also a coloring book. Parents, would you like to combine education and fun? 🎨
### 🚲 Biclou: The transition to the big bike school
Have you outgrown the Loupiot stage? Introducing Biclou! Designed for children up to 11 years of age, this test prepares you to ride safely on your own. The learning booklet is a mix of multiple-choice questions and useful tips. So, who wants a medal? 🏅
### 🌲 Biker: For young adventurers
Ah, the call of the wild and the trails...[travel by bike](<https://lokki.rent/media/planifier-voyage-velo>)! The Biker test is there for youngsters and teenagers ready to take on more technical terrain. From mechanics to orientation, it's all there. Who's ready to become the next king or queen of mountain biking? 🌳
### 🏁 Tackle the best!
If you think you're the next champion, the Gachette test is for you. Measure your time against the best cyclists in the country. Medals and recognition await you at the finish line (but no superpowers, sorry! 😜).
🤔 FAQ : Frequently asked questions about road safety and cycling 🚴♀️
### Are there any special prevention courses for child cyclists?
Yes, there are various training programs for children, including special sessions on the Highway Code for young cyclists. The aim is to train them in good traffic practices from an early age. 🧒
### Do adults need a "bicycle permit" too?
No, the "bike permit" initiative is primarily aimed at children. However, adults are not immune to road safety rules. We strongly recommend that you know the Highway Code and follow good traffic practices. 🚦
### What is the role of Moniteurs Cyclistes Français (MCF) in prevention?
MCFs are experts in cycling activities and play a key role in training and prevention. They help not only children but also adults to understand the rules of the road and ride safely. 🎓
### What is the attestation de première éducation à la route, and how is it integrated into the school curriculum for CM2 pupils?
The attestation de première éducation à la route is a key pedagogical device in the school setting for CM2 pupils in France. Part of the road safety education program, it aims to teach children the essential rules of safe behavior as pedestrians and cyclists.
Through teaching sheets and practical sessions, pupils acquire the fundamental skills they need to navigate safely in the road environment. This teaching, implemented by the government and schools, prepares children to obtain their bicycle license, a document symbolizing their understanding of and respect for the rules of the road.